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Mellifera (detail) 2022 by Tenaya Sims. This painting is the cover of the April 2022 issue of Fine Artists Connoisseur.

Luminous Skin & Form with Tenaya Sims

July 9-12  Tues - Fri

Tuition: $800
Materials Fee:  $25
Level:  Intermediate

Luminous Skin & Form
Tenaya Sims

Learn How to Paint Luminous Form and Skin in Oils

Learn time-tested techniques to create stunningly luminous form and skin in oil paintings. Painting in oils gives the ability to ‘sculpt with the paint’, so that it mimics the way skin pulls over muscle. Oils also offer the capability to make use of translucent glazes and layering of paint, creating a richer and more luminous experience than printed images.


In this workshop we’ll learn the fundamentals of creating an effective underpainting, overpainting, and glazes & adjustments. Students will work in tandem with the instructor in a step by step ‘work-along’ procedure. In the process we’ll learn what type of brushes to use at each stage, how to manage the viscosity of paint to achieve the desired effect, and how to effectively ‘tile’ and blend.


Students should have some oil painting experience.  Due to the technique-intense process of this workshop, some supplies need to be exactly the same for all participants; therefore they will be provided. Additional supplies will be listed and shared with students upon registration. 

Public Artist's Talk 
July 8, 2024 (Mon)   
Butt-Holdsworth Library

July 9-12, 2024 
(Tues - Fri)

Tuition:  $800
Materials Fee:  $25
Level:  Intermediate
Internationally acclaimed artist Tenaya Sims

Tenaya Sims has worked professionally as an industry artist, teacher, gallery artist, and business owner.  He earned a BFA at Carnegie Mellon University, worked professionally in animation, and yet still felt compelled to reach an equivalent level of mastery as the historical painters who first inspired him. Tenaya left the video games industry to apprentice full-time with artists Jeff Watts and Juliette Aristides and eventually opened his own Georgetown Atelier in Seattle.


Texas Hill Country Atelier is pleased to welcome Tenaya to Kerrville for yet another incredible workshop and brilliant public talk!

Tenaya demonstrates how to work wet into wet, tiling and blending as he paints on his painting, "Mellifera." 


Applied with practiced skill and good technique, translucent glazes and layers of paint can create an incredible luminosity in oil painting. The difference before layering and glazing (below, left) is striking compared to after (below right).


In this workshop, we will employ the classical method of transferring a drawing to canvas before painting.


After the semi transparent underpainting is established, opaque layers are applied to continue building form. 


Paint is mixed acccurate color and value,  and then applied in layers to render form that takes on a three dimensional illusion.


Selecting the right brush for the right application with purposeful brush strokes heightens the illusion of three dimensional, luminous flesh.

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